
How much spend to create a new website in UAE?
Now days almost every business need website appearance no matter what is size of your business because everything is on internet & life is busy so people love to search on google and this google search bar is the main gate for your online business appearance. So, If you want to grab attention of your potential clients you must have website to introduce your business or services.Lets talk about how much spend to create a new website or web design in UAE?
For this objective you need someone to create your business website. before start our topic how much you spend first we look one more important thing and its what you need in your business website because every business nature is separate from other e.g. One company who only provide consultancy it only need portfolio site with contact form and other hand one business that have products and want to sale online then it defiantly goes to e-commerce site .
Our main goal to check how much cost you need to spend to complete your business site in Dubai & for this we break down our business requirement in few pointers.
- What is our business type
- Who is our target audience
- What is our budget
If you follow only these three rule you can easily calculate your spending on your business website also if you need my support you can get my free consultancy on it. Consultancy
What is our business type
As i mentioned above you have to analyze your business type first because it help you to decide which kind of website you need. For this process we have to move our step two process there we can maintain both points together 🙂 but yes I mentioned few company types and the website they need.
- Corporate / NGO [Web Portfolio with Request Forms]
- Services [Web Portfolio with Request Forms / E-commerce website]
- Product Base [E-commerce website / Listing Platform ]
Who is our target audience
This thing is really matter because when you start any sort of business you have to know your target audience and their behavior if your target audience is young and mostly spend time on internet you must have full feature site there you can target with different marketing tools and if your target audience are older and don’t spend time much time in internet then you have to pretty decent site with appropriate information.
What is our budget?
When we talk about budget mostly people ignore the budget thing and try to get cheap website and result of this they face many problems like unprofessional team crate website with no business sense, sometime they always find that person who commit to make good website but disappear in middle of work and this list goes so on.. So, always allocate decent amount of budget to create your website but use it smartly.
After all these effort the main thing is where we find a good freelancer, team or company to create website. In Dubai the market is so big lots of companies, team and freelancer available to complete this job but its difficult to find right one.
Let me help you to fix this thing to you again we break our finding method in parts
- Type of Website Services Provider / Software houses
- Documentation and deadline
- Support team
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Type of Website Services Provider / Software houses
It mean when you analyze your business type and website type then second step is that who is good to create your website e.g. If your website is small web portfolio then freelancer is the good choice because they can complete this work in minimum time if you go to any team or company then you can understand thee bills and other expenses in UAE so they always charge you more 😛 If you need small E-commerce system then always choose small team but If you think big or your business is big always choose good company don’t rely on small teams and freelancer.
Documentation and deadline
One key rule of complete your website on time is documentation and deadlines because if you don’t have road map you can’t finish your website. So when you choose any of source give the details and get full road map, documentation and deadline of your website. e.g. Which platform they use, what the design all use cases and at the end how much they take time to complete it. Its seems to much but trust me once you done with this you can easily finish your project or website on time.
Support Team
Its a big factor because once you make your website you need to maintain your website too so always ask the support after complete your website.
Last not least most important things what is the budget people or companies charge to create websites.
Basic Portfolio Website budget is around 5000 AED to 10,000 AED.
Medium corporate Website in UAE budget is around 12,000 AED to 20,000 AED normally depend on how much feature they need in website or web design in UAE.
Large corporate Website in UAE budget is around 25,000 to 40,000 depends the requirements also the integration with their internal systems.
E-commerce Website in UAE budget is to much variant because its depend on many factors now days lots of small, medium and big companies doing the same things in different scales so that’s why its budget start from 8000 to 60,000.
Its best practice to discuss with your website services provider about the budget because it help both to understand and work best within the limited source.
Disclaimer: All the fact are based on my experience and research in Globally and UAE market. So its not accurate information also many people don’t agree with it.
I am happy to assist you or need my support to create your stunning website Contact Me